A Day In The Life: Liza Anne
Photography and captions by Liza Anne.Last time we spoke to Liza Anne it was for our 18th issue – released back in May 2018 – for her Fine But Dying release. She’s now back with Bad Vacation, a brand new album that was released last Friday, July 24. Like the previous album, Bad Vacation continues to showcase Liza as an emerging voice in mental health and self awareness; for example her newest single “I Shouldn’t Ghost My Therapist” notes that no one grows in an echo chamber. Bad Vacation as a whole had Liza reflecting on her teenage years, breaking free of repressive religious environment, as well as the years that followed the Fine But Dying album cycle and the healing that’s followed.
Listen to the album here: https://lizaanne.lnk.to/badvacation
From Liza: “I took all of these on a little 35mm canon point and shoot camera that I got on depop for $15.00. It is rarely not with me when I’m traveling and given the pause in travel and leaving my neighborhood at all, it’s been fighting to find new corners of days that seem like one very long day.”
Portrait of a lady off tour, pt I.
I like to start my day with a walk around where I live. Taking notice to pools of light, the blooms, the other people who seem to match my own schedule-less schedule with their daily walk.
A portrait of my favorite arm. A person who is lots of things to me. Friend, partner, creative collaborator, roommate, cat parent. I like how mooshed our life has become.
A garden scorched from the heat but blooming all the same. We’ve harvested many salads and are still waiting on the tomatoes.
Our corner of the world.
A portrait of my favorite snack.
Ralphie. A buddy that came in the peak of quarantine when my mental health was struggling. I was in a bought of depression I wasn’t sure how to recover from – Josh went on a drive and came back with Ralphie – completely surprising me.
Veggies for snacking and mugs for the daily, endless cup of coffee.
A fridge that says more than most fridges.
Two friends in love, captured from the mirror of Josh’s truck.
Ralphie has the most FOMO of anyone I know. He sits at the window watching us work on our camper or Josh’s truck relentlessly. He hates to miss out.
What it looks like when I am laying in the grass.
Our room is just a museum of places and people and instruments we love.
Portrait of a lady off tour, pt II.